WEF 2014 in the Books

WEF 2014 in the Books

You probably were hoping for a really detailed post about all the amazingness in my trip (and it was pretty amazing as always), but I’m here to disappoint.

I got up at 3am central time to fly back.


A cab driver tried to scam me on the ride to the airport and I had to put on my big girl pants and tell him to GFY.


Both of my flights had lots of turbulence and the same screaming toddler.


So I’m tired, and I’m at work getting my half day in.  The best I can do is give y’all a little preview of some photos and the promise that I have some really cool things to share within the next few days!  Just need to get settled back here and get a good night’s sleep first 🙂


14 thoughts on “WEF 2014 in the Books

  1. Welcome back! Sorry travelling was so stressful, but I loved all the photos you posted to Instagram and Facebook — can’t wait to see the rest!!

  2. So sorry to hear that your flights were less then relaxing. One of these days were going to have to make a meet up in Welly. Everyones invited!

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