TGIF Tidbits

TGIF Tidbits

For a while I had lots of blog content deep down in the drum of my drafted posts.  Thoughtful!  Exciting!  Funny!

Yeah, that’s all gone.

Crazy eyes.
Crazy eyes.

Until I refill the drum or something exciting happens, I just have posts like today’s where I’m going to rattle off lots of nonsense tidbits for no other reason besides I’m happy about them and you’re a captive audience.  😉 I present to you – things that are so random they don’t make sense to make an entire post about.

Last night in my lesson, we got a clean lead change.  I didn’t ask for it, but instead was riding to my corner and asking him to bend… shocking.  Not like I think this horse will ever have auto changes or even fully clean changes, but it is always nice to know it can happen sometimes.

Just say no to counter cantering.
Just say no to cross cantering.

Also last night in my lesson, I managed to do an entire course where I got the strides down all the lines (even to an oxer!) and most of the jumps were near 2’6″.  Happy, happy Lauren!

I braved Supercuts this week instead of the salon, and got my hair cut.  It’s a little bit different than my usual do (holy short bangs bat man), but it cost $25.  Winning.

My skin is not this nice.  Thanks iphone app!
My skin is not this nice. Thanks iphone app!

This dog is my most favorite dog, and she also finds my large, smushy bum a really nice pillow.


I finished my freelance project this week, and while it was fun to work on remembered why I really don’t have time for freelance.

The amazing lesson of amazingness last night was completed in my first fully finished for Simon and not too small DIY crochet bonnet.


I also finished SprinklerBandit’s bonnet… which I still need to mail.


Last weekend I finally booked our Thanksgiving vacation.  At first it was going to be Puerto Rico with friends, then it was going to be an all inclusive resort in Jamaica but finances and my desire to make things super uncomplicated turned the idea into a short cruise.  So we’ll be cruising to Cozumel over Thanksgiving break, which should be fun.  I went once as a kid, and Tim has never been… they’re pretty hokey but a good place to relax and get some sun!

I’m going to Los Angeles next weekend to visit one of my very best friends, and it just so happens to be Halloween.  I also just so happen to have the best Halloween costume ever planned.  Here’s a not so obscure hint:


Annnnnd to top everything off, I just got a 50% off coupon for Horze.  I may have to do a tiny bit of shopping now.

Just a tiny bit.

Happy Friday everyone!  What are you happy about today?

23 thoughts on “TGIF Tidbits

  1. PAM! Whoo! I demand photos. 🙂
    Lead changes are the neatest! You need a t-shirt that says “just say no to cross cantering.” Make that happen.
    Freelancing always makes me wish I didn’t have to work for a living. I feel your pain. It takes up all the extra time I could be using for important leisure activities, like eating dinner and sleeping at night. 😉

    I loved this post.


    I also like your hair! (I get mine cut at the local beauty college, which is always…interesting! But cheap.)

  3. love the random posts – lots of fun tidbits. Have fun on your two trips – sounds like fun!

    I’m happy that I am off this Friday (I work extra hours during the week) and it is sunny and warm (for Canada in late Oct) AND I rode my horse today and he was really good! 🙂

  4. Lots of happy tidbits for this fabulous Friday! Next time you’re in LA I’d love to meet you for drinks somewhere!! GREAT job on those bonnets =)

  5. OMG YOU POSTED A PICTURE OF YOUR HAIR! And it doesn’t look like crazy bangs at all! Man I was getting scared with all the talk of Super— the salon that shall not be named.

    1. I accidentally deleted half of my own comment. I meant to also say your hair looks great. Why does this captcha keep asking me to drag a fat cat onto an ice cream cone?

  6. THAT BONNET THOUGH, I might wrassle you into making me one for next year 😉

    I’m happy that its Friday and its the weekend and I don’t have to rush rush rush to ride before work/the sun sets. AND THAT IT STOPPED RAINING

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