Milestone Accomplished!
I’ve been having a lot of fun traveling and visiting one of my very best friends this weekend, but I wanted to share something super exciting from Thursday night’s lesson.
I jumped Simon 3’3″ ish!
I say ish because the hole is a little more like 3’2″ haha but still. We worked on gymnastics which are usually a bit anxiety filled for us but this time the strides were set a but easy and Simon was super relaxed and going through it really well. I told my trainer that it was the first time that I realized how fun and relaxing gymnastics can be!
Since we were doing pretty well, she bumped the fences up some.
As i cantered to the 3′ one I literally said out loud going in “holy crap that looks big” but it rode just fine. Truth is, the bigger jumps felt a lot like smaller jumps from a longer spot. Not like my horse all of a sudden started dramatically cracking his back or anything.
We are discovering that he’s a horse that will need a higher warm up jump. Each time we raised it, he would rub or knock a rail. The next time through it would be perfectly clean. Doesn’t worry me, because we’ve jumped small for so long.
Right before the last go at the 3’3″ish jump, he did a little happy dance before the gymnastic. I could tell he felt really pumped to be reaching a bit for bigger things. 🙂
Because I am a huge dork, I asked my trainer to take pictures.
Can’t help but be a little excited!
40 thoughts on “Milestone Accomplished!”
You guys look SO SO SO good! So happy for you both :).
Go Simon Go!
That certainly is an exciting milestone!! Way to go 🙂
Congrats!! 😀
Woo hoo! Congrats!
Woo hoo! Great work guys!
Well done! That’s awesome!!
Way to go – that’s awesome!
That is AWESOME! Congrats!!
Awesome!! You guys look great!!
That is so awesome!! Congrats! You guys look great!
Nothing dorky about it. That’s a big accomplishment. Congrats!
Super yay for you!! I go to bigger jumps like, ‘holy crap’ and I can tell my horse is like ‘hell, yah, finally!’ 😀
wohoooo!! You go girl
Go Lauren and Simon!! Rockin it!
Ahhh!!! Congrats! That is so exciting 🙂
So exciting!!
Yay! Good job!
Woohoo! That’s huge lol. And Holly is the same way, shebribs then clears fine.
Woo!!! Well done! I vividly remember the first time I jumped 3′ and the terror and fun. Way to go both of you!
Love that last picture!
You guys look FANTASTIC!! Love that last pic! So so so excited for you!
Nice!!! As someone who is a whopping 5′ tall, 3’3″ sounds huge! 😉 Maybe Simon wants to be a jumper after all? I’ve heard some horses put more effort into the jumps when they are higher… (says the WP girl…lol)
Congratulations! That’s awesome!
As someone who finds 2’3″ mildly terrifying, I’m super proud of you!
woo hooo!!! super awesome and exciting! and you two look GREAT over them!
Yay! Way to go!!
Wow, how cool! Congratulations!!
Woot woot!!
What an awesome accomplishment! Especially after the ups and downs this summer…so happy for you!
CONGRATS! How fun and awesome.
Yah! Congratulations!
Congrats and YAYAYAYAY PICTURES!!! 🙂 Super happy for you.
Awesome! You guys look great!
Congrats! That is amazing! My dream!